Hydrology Domain Working Group

Meeting details at Delft TC

Venue: Room Q, Building 8 (Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134), Delft University of Technology

Time: Monday 20 March 2017, 14:45-16:00 (UTC/GMT +1)

Link to Delft TC agenda

GotoMeeting Joining Details

1. Please join my meeting, Mon Mar 20th 9:45 AM EDT.


2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

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Access Code: 847-804-789 Audio PIN will be displayed upon joining the web session.

Draft agenda

  1. Commission for Hydrology-15 meeting report (Silvano Pecora/Tony Boston)
  2. Proposed change request for WaterML2: Part 2 (Silvano Pecora/Tony Boston)
  3. Hydrologic Features standard and IE update (Dave Blodgett)
  4. Inspire O&M & SWE profile update (2' Sylvain Grellet)
  5. QGIS / GDAL gml application schema toolbox update : use case on French groundwater monitoring system (15' Sylvain Grellet)
  6. RiBaSE: A pilot for testing the OGC web services integration of water-related information and models (Christoph Stasch, 52N)
  7. U.S. EPA Interoperable Watersheds Network (Dwane Young)
  8. Dutch Waterboard Standards [Informatiehuis Water] presentation (Edwin Wisse)
  9. 8th Hydrology DWG Workshop - Tuscaloosa - 20-23 June 2017 (Dave Blodgett)

-- TonyBoston - 16 Mar 2017
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20170320_Inspire_OM_SWE_requirements_Grellet_Jirka.pptxpptx 20170320_Inspire_OM_SWE_requirements_Grellet_Jirka.pptx manage 1 MB 22 Mar 2017 - 09:16 SylvainGrellet INSPIRE O&M and SWE Requirements/ Technical Guidance
20170320_QGIS_GDAL_OGR_complex_feature_Grellet_groundwater_monitoring.pptxpptx 20170320_QGIS_GDAL_OGR_complex_feature_Grellet_groundwater_monitoring.pptx manage 2 MB 22 Mar 2017 - 09:16 SylvainGrellet QGIS / GDAL GML application schema support update : use case on French groundwater monitoring system
Topic revision: r10 - 22 Mar 2017, SylvainGrellet
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