EarthResourceML Meeting Notes

Actions from St Petersburg:

1. ERML schemas to be published: Done

2. Contact GeoServer re performance: Ongoing. Not clear the extent to which poor performance was due to GeoServer or model. Discussion on performance of other packages eg Deegree.

3. Change links to byReference in model (commodityofInterest and others). Done but not clear if this has improved performance.

4. Produce EarthResourcePortrayal. OR has produced first version (MinOccML v1) which can be adopted by CGI. ACTION: JV to develop ERML Portrayal using MinOccML as starting point.

Changes to model:

Discussion of change to Product definition. Aim to clearly distinguish Product and Commodity.Do relevant vocabularies distinguish correctly? Should ProductValue vocab refer to higher level classes?

Should sourceCommodity association be 1..*? ACTION JL: Change sourceCommodity association to be 1..*.

Discussion concerning two ways of nulling properties (eg beginLifeSpan) by cardinality and voiding, which is not valid. This was designed to reflect distinction between 'not available' and 'doesn't exist'. ACTION: JL to change cardnality of voidable properties from 0..1 to 1. Review use of 'double nulling' in INSPIRE (thought not to be just an issue with the MR spec).

INSPIRE specification status:

MR Data Spec finalised and published. Consistent with ERML v2

ERML codelists

To be discussed at GTWG meeting on Wednesday. Only some of vocabs in INSPIRE spec - rest in CGI


EU project using ERML. Dealing with non-structured as well as structured data. INSPIRE vocabs have been extended. Harvests ERML services from data providers and disseminates single service after quality control. This and other projects will potentially generate ERML change requests. ACTION: JV to gather change requests and user feedback as basis for possible ERML v3.

ERML WG membership

Membership reviewed. Mark Rattenbury took over as NZ rep.

-- JohnLaxton - 30 Jun 2014
Topic revision: r2 - 30 Jun 2014, JohnLaxton
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