Water Data Summit at OGC TC, Boulder Colorado USA, June 3, 2015

Open Water Data Initiative (OWDI) and National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE): Flood Forecasting at National & Global Scale

Center Green (CG-1), Room 1214 (North Auditorium)


8:00 - Session 1 - Introductions

8:15 - Overview of National Flood Interoperability Experiment (David Maidment) [powerpoint slides, 88mb]

9:15 - Visualizing the integration of discrete and continuous data (Jeff Weber) [live demo of Unidata IDV; not downloadable]

9:45 - Break

10:15 - Session 2 - Introductions

10:30 - Global Flood Forecasting for GEOSS (David Arctur) [powerpoint slides, 43mb]

11:15 - Standards and interoperability for cross-domain science; advances in netCDF/CF (Ethan Davis) [powerpoint slides, 1.3mb]

11:45 - Closing remarks (David Maidment)

12:00 - Adjourn

Related Links

Organizing Committee

  • David Arctur, UT Austin
  • David Maidment, UT Austin
  • Tony Boston, Australia Bureau of Meteorology
  • Ilya Zaslavsky, SDSC * Silvano Pecora, ISPRA/ARPA/WMO
  • Chris Little, UK Met Office

Goals and Objectives

The overall goal of this OWDI Summit is to stimulate engagement in development of tools and policies for the U.S. Open Water Data Initiative. Similar initiatives are being pursued in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other regions. The main objective of this particular event is to acquaint the OGC community and the broader geoscience community in the central Colorado region with recent advancements in high-resolution forecasting of precipitation, runoff, streamflow, and flooding across the continental U.S. in near-real time. This represents the first time that surface water flows have been modeled and studied at the national scale. Similar data and tools from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) in UK and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Italy are being applied on a global scale, through the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot. The integrative framework, data and models being developed are enabling a major shift in the kinds of questions and issues scientists, meteorologists, and emergency response teams can start to address.

Target Audience

This research and development will be of interest to geoscientists in atmospheric and hydrological domains, as well as to operational meteorologists and even local-level public safety officials such as fire and police departments responsible for emergency response. The latter are among the key beneficiaries of this work.

National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) Overview

Atmospheric-Hydrologic Models and Outputs

NFIE-Hydro models.png

Transformative for the Nation

Forecasts produced by:
  • Current system: 3600 locations (excludes coastal and many other areas)
  • Proposed system: 2.67 million locations (complete US river network at ~3km resolution)
    • US NWS (15 hr forecast, every 3 hr); ECMWF (10-15 days, every 12 hr)

NFIE coverage map.png

This approach is being adapted for probabilistic global forecasts


Come and learn how we’re doing this.

-- DavidArctur - 07 Jun 2015
Topic revision: r2 - 08 Jun 2015, DavidArctur
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